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East acroos the river is a 4900 metre ridge offering the best views of all, a panorama from Sust to Shishkat, the length (over 20 km) of the Passu glacier, and the highest peaks of the Batura Muztagh. This is an overnight trip, and only for the very fit. It's probably best done in early autumn when the risk of sudden storms is low, but it would be a good idea to talk to local people before you go.
Cross the footbridge toward Zarabad and on the far side take the left fork, witch climbs, via tiny Khramabad village, steepy upa side canyon. At the top, a full day the Khunzhrav Pass itself, is a shallow pass called Vadegar, sublime (though very cold place to the sun come up. From this top you can view the main three glaciers Hussaini, Passu and Batura.